[MapProxy] New MapProxy 1.5.0 release

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Wed Dec 5 01:45:39 PST 2012

Hi there,

it is time for a new release of MapProxy!

The latest release is available at:

To update within you virtualenv:

$ pip install --upgrade --no-deps MapProxy

The documentation is available at:

Some new features since 1.4:

Clipping WMTS/TMS/KML requests to polygons

The security API now also supports limiting requests to polygon geometries
for all tile services.

See:  http://mapproxy.org/docs/1.5.0//auth.html#limited-to

Mixed image mode

The mixed image mode automatically chooses between PNG and JPEG format
depending if the image has transparency or not. This is a great feature
for aerial images with transparency at the image boundaries. Thanks to
Thomas Bonfort for the idea.

See: http://mapproxy.org/docs/1.5.0/configuration.html#format

Caches as source for other caches

You can now use a cache as a source for another cache. You can use this
to directly reproject tiles or to make changes to your grid configuration
without losing your existing cache.

See: http://mapproxy.org/docs/1.5.0/configuration_examples.html#using-existing-caches
and http://mapproxy.org/docs/1.5.0/configuration_examples.html#reprojecting-tiles

Changed default SRS in WMS

The WMS now supports EPSG:3857, the official EPSG code of the Webmercator
projection (EPSG:900913). UTM 32/33N and Gauß-Krüger zones 3-5 were
removed from the default list, since they are only usable in parts of
Europe. Make sure you've configured all SRS you are using in the service configuration.

New tools

There are three new tools:

- `mapproxy-util grids`: debug and analyze grid configuration
- `mapproxy-util wms-capabilities`: get bbox and min/max_scales of existing WMS
- `mapproxy-util export`: export (parts) of your cache to MBTiles or a TMS directory

See: http://mapproxy.org/docs/1.5.0/mapproxy_util.html

Other features

- use_grid_names option to access Tiles/TMS/KML layers by grid
 name instead of EPSGXXXX
- origin option for TMS to change default origin of the /tiles service
- continue stopped/interrupted seed processes
- support min_res/max_res for tile sources


- do not show layers with incompatible grids in WMTS/TMS demo
- make 0/0/0.kml optional for the initial KML file
- use BBOX of coverage for capabilities in seed_only layers
- ignore debug layer when loading tile layers
- simplified coverage configuration
- add reloader option to make_wsgi_app()
- add MetadataURL to WMS 1.1.1 capabilities
- improved WMTS services with custom grids (origin)
- use in_image exceptions in WMS demo client
- larger map in demo client
- always request with transparent=true in WMS demo client
- use in_image exceptions in WMS demo client

Other fixes and changes

For a complete list of changes see:


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.de
http://mapproxy.org | https://github.com/olt    | @oltonn

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