[MapProxy] coverage problems

Frank Broniewski brfr at metrico.lu
Wed Jul 18 06:44:43 PDT 2012


I am having problems with defining coverages and, er, seeing the desired 
effect. I want to cut out Luxembourg from my OpenStreetMap mapnik 
configuration like your demo is showing for germany on mapproxy.org at 
the bottom of the page. Well, and I thought, coverages are the way to go 
for that.

So I have a source (sorry for the line number noise :-)):
   37     mapnik_osm_luref:
   38         type: mapnik
   39         mapfile: /data/web/mapnik/osm/osm-m2.xml
   40         use_mapnik2: true
   41         coverage:
   42             polygons: '/data/web/mapproxy/coverages/LU.txt'
   43             polygons_srs: 'EPSG:3857'

a grid definition:
  101     luref:
  102         res: [152.746, 76.373, 38.187, 19.093, 9.547, 4.773, 
2.387, 1.193, 0.596]
  103         srs: 'EPSG:2169'
  104         bbox: [30000, 50000, 120000, 160000]
  105         bbox_srs: 'EPSG:2169'

a cache:
  112     mapnik_osm_luref_cache:
  113         sources: [mapnik_osm_luref]
  114         grids: [luref]

and a layer definition:
  125     - name: osm_luref
  126       title: OpenStreetMap (lux. reference system)
  127       sources: [mapnik_osm_luref_cache]

something global:
  133 globals:
  134   cache: 

  135     base_dir: './cache_data'
  136     lock_dir: './cache_data/locks'
  137     meta_size: [10, 10]
  138     meta_buffer: 256

but there's always to much foreign country around Luxembourg :-)
I tried with a shapefile and with the country polygon that is provided 
on the mapproxy page, but without the desired effect.
Am I missing something fundamental? Do I misunderstand what coverages do?

A live example: 

Many thanks



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