[MapProxy] Mapproxy behind HTTPS proxy causes problems

Max Stephan mail at maxstephan.com
Tue Jan 28 04:38:58 PST 2014

Dear list,

we have configured mapproxy as follows:
-       mapproxy is installed on a VM that is not publically accessible, configured as MultiMapProxy. It is served through gunicorn under http://localhost:8282
-       Our publically accessible machine is configured with Apache as webserver
o       A reverse proxy points to the gunicorn address (including addition of the request header "/mapproxy). The proxy listens to requests with the location "/mapproxy"
Now what we would expect is the following:
-       https://public-host/mapproxy should show the available instances
1.      Works: see https://icg4wascal.icg.kfa-juelich.de/mapproxy
But the following problems occur:
-       The links in the listing are wrong. The expected links would be of this format: https://public-host/mapproxy/mapproxy[0-9]+
      But instead the following is the case:
1.      They are linking to http
2.      They are linking to http://public-host/mapproxy2 directly
-       It is only possible to access the correct addresses by entering them manually. This wouldn´t be a big deal because these pages are only for demonstration purposes.
-       Second problem:
The OnlineResource-Links in the GetCapabilities-document are wrong as well:
1.      They are http instead of https
2.      They have the format http://public-host/mapproxy[0-9]+ instead of https://public-host/mapproxy/mapproxy[0-9]+

A similar setup is working fine on another installation (but with http proxy in nginx, and nginx on the same VM as gunicorn). Therefore we suspect it is maybe a problem with https and/or our configuration.

For the apache proxy, we followed the documentation under It looks like this:
#       forwarding to mapproxy
        LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
        ProxyRequests Off
<Location /mapproxy>
ProxyPass http://134.XX.XX.XX:8282
ProxyPassReverse  http://134.XX.XX.XX:8282
            RequestHeader add X-Script-Name /mapproxy

Did anybody experience similar issues? And is there a solution for this problem?

Cheers and thanks in advance,
Max Stephan

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