[MapProxy] Problems with coordinate systems and rendering output (e.g. EPSG:31468)

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Mon Oct 6 04:27:43 PDT 2014


On 03.10.2014, at 17:01, TDS wrote:
> is that a bug or not? If we use full world coordinate systems such as 4326, 3857 or 900913 all is good with e.g. OSM CartoCSS. But if we use a partial system like EPSG:31468 the output is crappy. Can it be that some borders are broken and so the "water color" fills the land cover as well? It will be only good at higher zoom levels when extra land cover tags are displayed. PS: We extended the default BBOX to use some space around for not so well configured services.

this is unlikely an issue with MapProxy, but with your renderer or data.


Oliver Tonnhofer  | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG  | http://omniscale.com
OpenStreetMap WMS and tile services         | http://maps.omniscale.com 

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