[MapProxy] grid 'foo' of cache 'bar' is not compatible with WMTS

omid omidan o.omidan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 03:16:24 PDT 2016


I have cache files with TMS structure. so far I could use it as source with
this configuration:

    sources: [tms_files]
    grids: [sat_cache_grid]
    meta_size: [4, 4]
    format: image/jpg
    request_format: image/jpg
    disable_storage: true

    type: tile
    url: file:///media/disk2/TMSCache/sat/%(z)s/%(x)s/%(y)s.jpg
    grid: sat_cache_grid

    origin: 'sw'

this configuration work with all type of service.
now I want to set boundary for my grid. but when I set bbox in grid
configuration like:

bbox: [4821036.248003, 2807374.7924, 6993070.843754, 4948983.347398]
bbox_srs: 'EPSG:3857'

the I get this message:
 mapproxy.service.wmts - WARNING - skipping layer 'tms_cas' for WMTS,
 grid 'sat_cache_grid' of cache 'sat_cache' is not compatible with WMTS.

WMTS layer removed and also TMS service layers don't show anything.
I think it is something about scale and resolution and try different config
for that but no success!

could you advice me about how resolve this?

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