[MapProxy] How to check if the defined cache is being used

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Fri Feb 18 03:59:42 PST 2022

Hey Stefan,

I can't answer your question right away, but indeed a header "Cache: 
HIT" oder "Cache: Missed" is quiet common. AFAIK this hasn't been 
implemented in MapProxy by now.

test_cache_tile.py has some checks to test, if a tile is in the cache. 
Maybe this can be used to add a header to the WSGI output?

A baaad workaround might be:
Run `lsof` on commandline and Linux and check, if the cache files are 
hit upon request ;)

Best regards,

Am 18.02.2022 um 11:59 schrieb Stefan Peuser:
> How can I check if the defined cache is being used? The MapProxy WMS runs
> slower than the original WMS, although a cache including seeding is
> defined.
> The cache was successfully built up by seeding.
> I would be happy about a hint.
> Regards Stefan
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