[MapProxy] MapProxy EPSG 4326 - Run it Automatically

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Fri Feb 18 04:04:09 PST 2022


there are several MapProxy containers available, but no official one:

It's not recommend to use `serve-develop` for deployment or in 
production. In my containers, I'm using Gunicorn with a simple PID-0 
manager to kill possible leftovers. It's against container concept to 
let a container or its process start on its own. Once the application 
dies, the container (and its application) should be restarted from outside.

The simplest way to start mapproxy-util or Gunicorn (etc.) is it put it 
into a systemd- or a SysV-service. Here's a simple howto (there are tons 
on the web): https://www.shellhacks.com/systemd-service-file-example/

Best regards,

Am 18.02.2022 um 12:48 schrieb Hazem:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have configured WMTS in mapproxy.yaml file, but when trying to consume 
> it in FrontEnd using OpenLayers, It didn't appear! I think its related 
> to the configuration for EPSG 4326 in YAML file.
> Also, Is there any way to make the [*mapproxy-util serve-develop*] run 
> automatically or is there any docker image for that ??
> I need your help, Thank you all
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