[MapProxy] GetFeatureInfo for WMS and WMTS-KVP

Zanger.Michael IT-UL-KL-GD Zanger.Michael at swm.de
Thu Jan 25 08:18:38 PST 2024


I am not sure if this is the right place for my questions. Let's find out:

we are changing from GeoWebCache to MapProxy and have problems with GetFeatureInfo for WMTS-KVP.

First a general question: is it possible to configure, that MapProxy just delegates the GFI-Requests to the source and the response to the client without checking (too much) for Syntax (transferring vendor specific parameters) and without the need to configure info-formats and without changing the result?.

My specific question: for WMTS-GetFeatureInfo with KVG there is a need to configure info_formats what I tried without any success. You find my configuration below. Could you find an error or what do I have to think about in addition?

      - mimetype: application/vnd.ogc.gml
        suffix: gml
      - mimetype: text/html
        suffix: html
      - mimetype: text/plain
        suffix: txt
      - mimetype: application/json
        suffix: json
    srs: [ 'EPSG:25832' ]
    bbox_srs: [ 'EPSG:25832' ]
    featureinfo_types: ['text', 'html', 'xml', 'json']
    type: wms
      version: 1.3.0
      featureinfo: true
      legendgraphic: True

Freundliche Grüße

Michael Zanger

SWM - Stadtwerke München
IT-Enterprise - Geodatenlösungen
Telefon: +49 89 23 61-2575
Mobil:   +49 176 640 659 62
Telefax: +49 89 23 61-70 2575
zanger.michael at swm.de<mailto:zanger.michael at swm.de>

SWM Services GmbH, Emmy-Noether-Straße 2, 80992 München; Geschäftsführer Dr. Florian Bieberbach, Ingo Wortmann, Helge-Uve Braun, Dr. Karin Thelen, Dr. Gabriele Jahn; Sitz München; Registergericht München HRB 126 674; Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter

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