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Hello List,<br>
Another very nice feature of MapProxy is that it also proxies
GetFeatureInfo requests. This may come in very handy for
applications where you can only enter the URL of a WMS service. Now
if you type the URL of MapProxy, the application will ask the
capabilities from MapProxy and you can configure MapProxy to answer
that it also supports GetFeatureInfo requests.<br>
However, I am currently running into some problems using this
1. For some reason MapProxy wants the WMS GetFeatureInfo client to
provide some extra WMT parameters?<br>
When sending a GetFeatureInfo request like:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=",6855223.828258,563395.837497,6885492.891453&X=205&Y=223&INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml&FEATURE_COUNT=1&QUERY_LAYERS=dnk&LAYERS=dnk&WIDTH=622&HEIGHT=396">,6855223.828258,563395.837497,6885492.891453&X=205&Y=223&INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml&FEATURE_COUNT=1&QUERY_LAYERS=dnk&LAYERS=dnk&WIDTH=622&HEIGHT=396</a><br>
The response is:<code class="wrappedText focusRow" role="listitem"><br>
<WMTException version="1.0.0">missing parameters</code><code
class="wrappedText focusRow" role="listitem"> ['wmtver', 'styles',
'format']</WMTException> <br>
If I am correct these parameters are not normally required for WMS
GetFeatureInfo requests?<br>
If I send the above request directly to the original WMS server:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://">http://</a></code>webservice.nieuwekaart.nl/cgi-bin/nkn<code
class="wrappedText focusRow" role="listitem">?&SERVICE=wms&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&SRS=EPSG:900913&BBOX=515852.005913,6855223.828258,563395.837497,6885492.891453&X=205&Y=223&INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml&FEATURE_COUNT=1&QUERY_LAYERS=nieuwekaart&LAYERS=nieuwekaart&WIDTH=622&HEIGHT=396<br>
I am getting the feature information as expected.<br>
2. If the remote WMS webservice uses an other projection than the
MapProxy client, the MapProxy GetFeatureInfo request sends the
BBOX parameters of the client projection instead of the remote
projection to the remote server. The BBOX parameter probably
should be reprojected from client to remote projection. I am not
sure if the x, y, width and height parameters should be changed
because of the re-projection.<br>