Hi,<div>I just downloaded and installed MapProxy ( locally on my Windows Vista machine for testing. I followed the steps as per the documentation to the point I thought I was ready to startup the MapProxy server, i.e. "paster serve etc/develop.ini --reload"</div>
<div><br></div><div>Unfortunately I get an error message :-</div><div><br></div><div>"mapproxy.platform.cpython.proj.ProjInitError: error initializing Proj(proj_def=None, init='epsg:4326'): Invalid argument"</div>
<div><br></div><div>I'm not too sure what I have missed along the installation steps although I have re-installed several times with the same result. Interestingly, I have FWTools installed on my machine and when I startup MapProxy from within a FWTools command prompt it seems to run up fine?! Is it because MapProxy cannot find map projection settings that FWTools provides in its environment settings?</div>