Hi,<div>I'm trying to configure a Tile source in MapProxy. The source url points to custom map tiles on my local server in a similar format to OpenStreetMap tiles ("<a href="http://mytileserver/z/x/y.png">http://mytileserver/z/x/y.png</a>"), the following is my mapproxy.yaml setup :-</div>
<div><br></div><div><div>layers:</div><div><div> my_tiles:</div><div> title: My local stash of map tiles</div><div> sources: [my_tile_cache]</div><div><br></div></div><div>caches:</div><div> my_tile_cache:</div><div>
grids: [GLOBAL_MERCATOR, global_geodetic_sqrt2]</div><div> sources: [my_tile_source]</div><div> </div></div><div>sources:</div><div> my_tile_source:</div><div> type: tile</div><div> url: <a href="http://localhost/mytiles/%(z)s/%(x)s/%(y)s.png">http://localhost/mytiles/%(z)s/%(x)s/%(y)s.png</a></div>
<div> origin: nw</div><div><br></div><div>After saving the changes and MapProxy restarting itself, I see the new "my_tiles" source layer listed in "<a href="http://localhost:8080/demo/">http://localhost:8080/demo/</a>". However, all but 1 of the services (TMS, EPSG:900913) return valid map tiles. I see that the WMS demo is set to EPSG:4326 and changing to EPSG:900913 subsequently works fine.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Is there something I am missing for my Tiles source layer setup to be able to return maps in EPSG:4326? (or any other SRS other than web mercator 900913)</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>Jason</div>