Hi list,<br><br>I have 3 caches for 3 mapserver layers in my mapproxy.yaml.<br><br>This is generated by mapproxy when requesting one layer:<br><br><a href="http://webmap.viamap.hu/upload/014.png">http://webmap.viamap.hu/upload/014.png</a><br>
<br>This is generated when requesting all 3 layers (including the previous one) of which 2 are completely empty at that location:<br><br><a href="http://webmap.viamap.hu/upload/service.png">http://webmap.viamap.hu/upload/service.png</a><br>
<br>Something happens when mapproxy merges the images from the 3 separate caches.<br><br>Here's the global part of mapproxy.yaml:<br><br>globals:<br> # # cache options<br> cache:<br> # where to store the cached images<br>
base_dir: './cache_data'<br> # where to store lockfiles<br> lock_dir: './cache_data/locks'<br> # # request x*y tiles in one step<br> meta_size: [1, 1]<br> # # add a buffer on all sides (in pixel) when requesting<br>
# # new images<br> meta_buffer: 0<br><br> # image/transformation options<br> image:<br> formats:<br> image/png:<br> resampling_method: bilinear<br> mode: RGB<br> transparent: true<br>
resampling_method: nearest<br> paletted: false<br> # jpeg_quality: 90<br> # # stretch cached images by this factor before<br> # # using the next level<br> # stretch_factor: 1.15<br> # # shrink cached images up to this factor before<br>
# # returning an empty image (for the first level)<br> # max_shrink_factor: 4.0<br><br><br>Tried to play with image options with no luck. Can you suggest any starting points in getting this right?<br><br>Thanks,<br>
Csaba<br><br>-- <br>Sándor Csaba<br>szolgáltatási vezetõ<br>ViaMap Kft.<br>Székhely/postacím: 2176 Erdõkürt, Téglaház utca 4.<br><br>Iroda:<br>1076 Budapest, Garay u. 29-31. I. 1.<br>(EMLA Környezeti Management és Jog Egyesület)<br>
<br><br>Tel: +3630/9605853<br>Fax: +3617002542<br><br><br>