(If you successful with geowebcache, try to overlap another layer and look if it's ok. Maybe the wmts layer is translated if you use epsg:4326. thinks it's a bug of geowebcache.)<div><br></div><div>I'm not be able to use a wmts layer with mapproxy. Think it's buggy.</div>
<div>First of all you need the MapProxy 1.5a version, you can get it from github.</div><div><br></div><div>And the wmts Protocol implementation in mapproxy still not work (for my experience). </div><div>I have no tile visualization neither in OpenLayers nor Flexvierwer..</div>
<div><br></div><div>My conclusion is: Mapproxy have a bug on WMTS protocol implementation. GeoWebCache too.</div><div><br></div>