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I am currently making sqlite caches from tile data I generate from gdal2tiles.py. The resulting png images look great, and so do the images when they are in the sqlite database if I either view them directly or if I save the blob data out and open in an image
My issue is, when i serve this cache via mapproxy as WMS, the image is very dithered and low-quality. I tried setting the image mode to RGBA for the cache, and also set colors to 0 (disable color reduction, according to wiki), but this has no impact on how
the image looks.<br>
How can I get MapProxy to serve the cache images without reducing their quality? Bandwidth/loadtime is no concern for me at this point.<br>
Thank you very much,<br>
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Steven D. Lander, Software Engineer
<div>Reinventing Geospatial, Inc</div>