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This is somehow related to the previous Mila's message.<br>
I once sent to this list a documentation update that was never
The goal was to make Mapproxy simple for those who are not
proficient with Python etc.<br>
The basic idea is that, for most Python applications, installing a
system packet prevents forgetting a libproj0, by managing all the
dependencies, by making unistallation a straightforward and complete
process, by using the procedures that the user knows, etc...<br>
So, finally, to help my friends, I wrote <a
href="http://www.papou.byethost9.com/maps/mapproxy/">this Web page
for the DEB package</a> .<br>
Angelos Tzotsos provided an apparently little known RPM packet.<br>
If someone sent me a text update to add RPM to my Web page, I'd be
glad to integrate it.<br>
BTW, click my page to any language, click the Mapproxy doc link and
you have it in that language too!<br>
Well, rather decently, but infinitely better than nothing ;-)<br>
Now, with that simple configuration file, I get a problem when I'm
doing the following transformation:<br>
OSM -> WMS EPSG: 31370 (Lambert72) -> JOSM with screen
projection set to Lambert 72 too.<br>
The Mapproxy tiles and the OSM vector map are offset by about 200m.
No problem with Lambert 08.<br>
I think I can conclude that the Ubuntu and JOSM libproj 31370
definitions differ, isn't it?<br>
Anybody with input about this?<br>