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<DIV>>>It seems to me, Mila, that your openSUSE systems lacks the libproj0 package.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>I think so:( here what I have installd</DIV>
<DIV># rpm -qa | grep libproj0*<BR>libproj-devel-4.8.0-22.2.i586<BR>libproj0-4.8.0-3.1.4.i586<BR></DIV>
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<DIV>(on Ubuntu I have libproj0 version 4.7)</DIV>
<DIV><BR>If I switch from EPSG:21781 LV03 to 900913, I can start and access maps in my mapproxy.yaml.</DIV>
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<DIV>I install mapproxy on openSUSE 32 Bit, follow all steps in <A href="http://www.mapproxy.de">www.mapproxy.de</A><BR>after I spend 1 Week trying to runn MapProxy on 64 Bit system SLES or openSUSE</DIV>
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<DIV>Don't know if I'm on right way with what I did till now:(</DIV>
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<DIV>Reason why we test mapproxy is that, here we have one departemant that work with ArcGIS Software but they don't have Internet Access<BR>So, my Ideea was to get maps offline with mapproxy and with "WMS GetCapabilities" put to ArcGIS Katalog.</DIV>
<DIV>Switch mapproxy to run with Apache (this is a not Problem at all)<BR>I say some Swiss maps because I don't know what they realy need.<BR>Here some links that I have:<BR></DIV>
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<DIV><A href="http://www.sogis1.so.ch/cgi-bin/sogis/sogis_uep.wms">http://www.sogis1.so.ch/cgi-bin/sogis/sogis_uep.wms</A><BR><A href="http://wfs.geo.gl.ch/Public">http://wfs.geo.gl.ch/Public</A><BR><A href="http://maps.zh.ch/wfs/FnsNSWFS">http://maps.zh.ch/wfs/FnsNSWFS</A><BR><A href="http://wfs.geo.gr.ch/region">http://wfs.geo.gr.ch/region</A></DIV>
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<DIV>I'm very new with python and mapproxy, so I still have no Idee how to make right settings in mapproxy.yaml to get this maps mentioned above to run and cache.</DIV>
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<DIV>Please can you gev me any advices, never mind if with Ubuntu or SUSE?<BR></DIV>
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<DIV>Regards (Grüsse)</DIV>
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<DIV>>>> André Pirard<A.Pirard.Papou@gmail.com> 16.11.2013 07:25 >>><BR></DIV>
<DIV class=moz-cite-prefix>On 2013-11-15 17:36, edv hotline wrote :<BR></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE cite=mid:52865BAE020000B2000907A9@gwia.gruner.ch type="cite">
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<DIV>I'm new with mapproxy, and I tray to run any Swiss map with mapproxy</DIV>
<DIV>On github.com site I find this <A href="https://github.com/gjn/mf-chsdi/blob/master/mapproxy/mapproxy.yaml" moz-do-not-send="true">https://github.com/gjn/mf-chsdi/blob/master/mapproxy/mapproxy.yaml</A></DIV>
<DIV>but if I try to run I get a error message below.</DIV></BLOCKQUOTE>OK, for some good Swiss cheese. Or a knife ;-)<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE cite=mid:52865BAE020000B2000907A9@gwia.gruner.ch type="cite">
<DIV>mapproxy.platform.cpython.proj.ProjInitError: error initializing Proj(proj_def=None, init='epsg:21781'): no system list, errno: 2</DIV>
<DIV> ...
<DIV>openSUSE 12.2 (i586)<BR>VERSION = 12.2<BR>CODENAME = Mantis<BR></DIV></DIV>
<DIV>With Ubuntu I can run this mapproxy.yaml file without any problem, but we prefer SuSE.</DIV></BLOCKQUOTE>It seems to me, Mila, that your openSUSE systems lacks the libproj0 package.<BR>If it were installed, it would mean that Mapproxy doesn't find it.<BR>Install it and tell us (about the cheese ;-))<BR><BR>I would like to know how you installed Mapproxy on SUSE.<BR>There is a Mapproxy RPM packet that should avoid that kind of problems by requiring libproj0.<BR>If you installed the package and libproj0 is missing, you should report that RPM package problem.<BR>See my next message to this list.<BR><BR>Cheers (Grüßen),<BR><BR>
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