[MapQuery] Directory layout + external libs in Git repo

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 08:48:34 EST 2010


On 11/11/2010 02:43 PM, Christian Wygoda wrote:
> I'll probably write a shell script to download and extract everything,
> such a script could easily live inside the repo.
> Also, in follow up
> to http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapquery/2010-July/000091.html I'd
> like to suggest following file name scheme for our code
> Core:
> * jquery.geomap.map.js (now geoMap.js)
> * jquery.geomap.layer.js (now geoMap.js)

I would keep those to together in one file (the map and the layer) as
layer don't work without map (and they are not even visible to the
outside atm, just the geomap object is exposed).

I would also prefer a name change. geoMap was just chosen to have some
name. What about jquery.mapquery.core.js (which will be the only file
without jQuery UI dependency)?

> For the widgets:
> * jquery.geomap.toc.js

And for the widgets jquery.mapquery.toc.js

> Aggregated "release" (someday...):
> * jquery.geomap.js


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