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<TITLE>jquery.tmpl templating system to be ended.</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>So we have a bit of an issue, it appears that the JQueryUI team has decided not to continue on with the usage of jquery.tmpl for template purposes. They have halted all development and the are reevaluating requirements. In the mean time the original author of jquery.tmpl has also moved on to developing another iteration of the jquery.tmpl system called jsrender/jsview. This leaves us with a decision about where to go regarding our usage of jquery.tmpl. Link below for more information, and opinions please.<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.borismoore.com/2011/10/jquery-templates-and-jsviews-roadmap.html">http://www.borismoore.com/2011/10/jquery-templates-and-jsviews-roadmap.html</A><BR>