[mapserver-commits] r12534 - in trunk/docs/en: . mapcache

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 9 14:02:08 EDT 2011

Author: tbonfort
Date: 2011-09-09 11:02:08 -0700 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 12534

add initial stub of mapcache documentation

Modified: trunk/docs/en/documentation.txt
--- trunk/docs/en/documentation.txt	2011-09-09 14:55:28 UTC (rev 12533)
+++ trunk/docs/en/documentation.txt	2011-09-09 18:02:08 UTC (rev 12534)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+   mapcache/index

Added: trunk/docs/en/mapcache/index.txt
--- trunk/docs/en/mapcache/index.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/en/mapcache/index.txt	2011-09-09 18:02:08 UTC (rev 12534)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. _mapcache:
+ Mapserver MapCache
+:Author: Thomas Bonfort
+:Contact: tbonfort at terriscope.fr
+MapCache is an apache module that implements a tile caching solution to speed up
+access to WMS layers. The primary objectives are to be fast and easily deployable,
+while offering the essential features (and more!) expected from a tile caching
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   mapcache_install
+   mapcache_config
+   mapcache_seed
+* services WMS, WMTS, TMS, VirtualEarth/Bing and [ServicingGmaps Gmaps] requests
+* ability to respond to untiled WMS requests by merging tiles from the cache or
+  forwarding them to the wms source
+* responds to WMS/WMTS GetFeatureInfo requests (forwarded to source service)
+* KML superoverlay generation
+* data provided by WMS backends (GDAL supported sources planned)
+* cache types:
+  * disk:
+    * by default the same cache structure as TileCache and MapProxy
+    * template based, e.g. /path/to/{tileset}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}
+  * sqlite:
+    * custom sqlite schema
+    * mbtiles
+    * custom sqlite queries (provide your own)
+  * memcached
+* configurable metatiling
+* on-the-fly tile merging for combining multiple tiles into a single image
+* image post-processing (recompression and quantization) when arriving from a backend
+* interprets and produces cache control headers: Last-Modified, If-Modified-Since, Expires
+* multithreaded seeding utility, that can seed specific zoom levels or specific areas ( e.g.: seed
+  levels 0 to 12 of all tiles intersecting Colorado )
+* ability to add a custom watermark on stored tiles
+* produces a CGI/fastCGI executable for using with other webservers than apache
+* configurable symbolic linking of blank tiles to gain disk storage
+* configurable error reporting: plain http error code, textual message, or empty (blank) image
+* ability to specify vendor params or dimensions to be forwarded to the WMS backend
+  (and build a cache that takes these parameters into account)

Added: trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_config.txt
--- trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_config.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_config.txt	2011-09-09 18:02:08 UTC (rev 12534)
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+.. _mapcache_config:
+ Mapserver MapCache Configuration File
+:Author: Thomas Bonfort
+:Contact: tbonfort at terriscope.fr
+The configuration files determines what and how mod-mapcache will serve
+incoming requests. It is an xml file that comprises a list of entries, as
+outlined here:
+.. code-block:: xml
+   <mapcache>
+      <grid>....</grid>
+      <source>....</source>
+      <cache>...</cache>
+      <format>...</format>
+      <tileset>...</tileset>
+      <services>...</services>
+   </mapcache>
+A source is a service mod-mapcache can query to obtain image data. This is
+typically a WMS server accessible by a url (there are currently no other
+sources than WMS implemented, others may be added later if the need
+.. code-block:: xml
+   <source name="vmap0" type="wms">
+      <!--
+         extra parameters that will be added to the GetMap request. you can specify any
+         parameter here, e.g. VERSION if you want to override the version of the WMS
+         request.
+         the LAYERS parameter is mandatory.
+         usual parameters here are FORMAT , or MAP if using mapserver
+      -->
+      <getmap>
+         <params>
+            <FORMAT>image/png</FORMAT>
+            <LAYERS>basic</LAYERS>
+         </params>
+      </getmap>
+      <!-- http url and parameters that will be used when making WMS requests -->
+      <http>
+         <!-- url of the wms service, without any parameters -->
+         <url>http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms/vmap0</url>
+         <!--
+            http headers added to request. make sure you know what you are 
+            doing when adding a header here, as they take precedence over any
+            default headers curl will be adding to the request.
+            typical headers that can be added here are User-Agent and Referer.
+            when adding a <key>value</key> element here, the request to the
+            wms source will contain the
+            key: value\r\n
+            HTTP header.
+         -->
+         <headers>
+            <User-Agent>mod-mapcache/r175</User-Agent>
+            <Referer>http://www.mysite.com?param=2&amp;par=4</Referer>
+         </headers>
+         <!-- timeout in seconds before bailing out from a request -->
+         <connection_timeout>30</connection_timeout>
+      </http>
+   </source>
+* The name and type attributes are straightforward: type is "wms", and name is
+* the key by which this source will be referenced `<url>` is the http location
+* where the service can be accessed `<wmsparams>` is a list of parameters that
+* will be added to the wms request. You should probably at the very least add
+* the FORMAT and LAYERS parameters. By convention(?), WMS parameters are
+* uppercase, and you should respect this convention in your configuration file.
+* This is where you can also override some default WMS parameters if needed. By
+* default, the parameters that will be used are: `<REQUEST>GetMap</REQUEST>`
+A cache is a location where received tiles will be stored.
+.. code-block:: xml
+   <cache name="disk" type="disk">
+      <!-- base
+           absolute filesystem path where the tile structure will be stored.
+           this directory needs to be readable and writable by the user running
+           apache
+      -->
+      <base>/tmp</base>
+      <!-- symlink_blank
+           enable blank (i.e. uniform color) tile detection. blank tiles will be
+           detected at creation time and linked to a single blank tile on disk to
+           preserve disk space.
+      -->
+      <symlink_blank/>
+   </cache>
+   <cache name="tmpl" type="disk">
+      <!-- template
+          string template that will be used to map a tile (by tileset, grid name, dimension,
+          format, x, y, and z) to a filename on the filesystem.
+          the following replacements are performed:
+          - {tileset} : the tileset name
+          - {grid} : the grid name
+          - {dim} : a string that concatenates the tile's dimension
+          - {ext} : the filename extension for the tile's image format
+          - {x},{y},{z} : the tile x,y,z values
+          - {inv_x}, {inv_y}, {inv_z} : inverted x,y,z values (inv_x = level->maxx - x - 1). This
+               is mainly used to support grids where one axis is inverted (e.g. the google schema)
+               and you want to create on offline cache.
+         * note that this type of cache does not support blank-tile detection and symlinking.
+         * warning: it is up to you to make sure that the template you chose creates a unique
+           filename for your given tilesets. e.g. do not ommit the {grid} parameter if your
+           tilesets reference multiple grids. Failure to do so will result in filename
+           collisions ! 
+      -->
+      <template>/tmp/template-test/{tileset}#{grid}#{dim}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}</template>
+   </cache>
+   <!-- memcache cache
+        entry accepts multiple <server> entries
+        requires a fairly recent apr-util library and headers
+   -->
+   <cache name="memcache" type="memcache">
+      <server>
+         <host>localhost</host>
+         <port>11211</port>
+      </server>
+   </cache>
+   <!-- sqlite cache
+        requires building with "with-sqlite"
+   -->
+   <cache name="sqlite" type="sqlite3">
+      <!-- base
+           absolute filesystem path where the sqlite database files will be stored.
+           this directory needs to be readable and writable by the user running
+           apache
+      -->
+      <dbname_template>/tmp/{tileset}-{grid}.db</dbname_template>
+      <!-- hitstats
+           log last access time and total number of hits for each tile in the cache.
+           note that this slows the tile accesses drastically as it requires a write
+           to the database for each tile access
+      -->
+      <hitstats>false</hitstats>
+   </cache>
+   <cache name="mbtiles" type="mbtiles">
+      <dbname_template>/Users/tbonfort/Documents/MapBox/tiles/natural-earth-1.mbtiles</dbname_template>
+   </cache>
+A format is an image format that will be used to return tile data
+to clients, and to store tile data on disk.
+.. code-block:: xml
+   <format name="PNGQ_FAST" type ="PNG">
+      <!-- compression
+           png compression: best or fast
+           note that "best" compression is cpu intensive for little gain over the default
+           default compression is obtained by leving out this tag.
+      -->
+      <compression>fast</compression>
+      <!-- colors
+         if supplied, this enables png quantization which reduces the number of colors
+         in an image to atain higher compression. this operation is destructive, and can
+         cause artifacts in the stored image.
+         the number of colors can be between 2 and 256
+     -->
+     <colors>256</colors>
+   </format>
+   <format name="myjpeg" type ="JPEG">
+      <!-- quality
+           JPEG compression quality, ranging from 0 to 100
+           95 produces high quality images with few visual artifacts
+           values under around 80 produce small images but with visible artifacts.
+           YMMV
+      -->
+      <quality>75</quality>   
+   </format>
+   <format name="PNG_BEST" type ="PNG">
+      <compression>best</compression>
+   </format>
+   <format name="mixed" type="MIXED">
+      <transparent>PNG_BEST</transparent>
+      <opaque>JPEG</opaque>
+   </format>
+A grid is the matrix that maps tiles on an area, and consists of a
+spatial reference, a geographic extent, resolutions, and tile sizes.
+There are for now two predefined grids you can use with "default" openlayers
+* the "WGS84" grid corresponds to the grid that openlayers will request if
+  you use:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+   var layer = new OpenLayers.WMS("foobar","http://myserver/mapcache",{LAYERS:layername});
+* the "g" grid corresponds to the case when you wish to overlay tiles on top of googlemaps:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+   var options = {
+      projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
+      units: "m",
+      maxResolution: 156543.0339,
+      maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34,20037508.34) };
+   map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map', options );
+   var gmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("Google Streets", 
+         {
+            'sphericalMercator': true,
+            'maxExtent': new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34),
+            visibility: true 
+         }
+   );
+   var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
+         "WMS",
+         "/mapcache",
+         { layers: 'osm', },
+         { 
+            gutter:0,
+            ratio:1
+         });
+A tileset is the essential configuration item for mod-mapcache, and corresponds to a set of tiles
+coming from a *source*, stored in a *cache*, and returned to the client in a
+given *format*.  
+.. code-block:: xml
+   <tileset name="test">
+      <!-- source: the "name" attribute of a preconfigured <source> -->
+      <source>vmap0</source>
+      <!-- cache: the "name" attribute of a preconfigured <cache> -->
+      <cache>sqlite</cache>
+      <!-- grid: the "name" attribute of a preconfigured <grid> 
+         you can also use the following notation to limit the area that will be cached and served to clients:
+         <grid restricted_extent="-10 40 10 50">WGS84</grid>
+         this way is better than using a grid with a limited extent, as in this way the tiles that are already
+         cached are not invalidated should you want to modify the restricted extent in the future. When using
+         the restricted_extent attribute, you should give the corresponding information to the client that will
+         be using the service.
+         NOTE: when adding a <grid> element, you *MUST* make sure that the source you have selected is able to
+         return images in the grid's srs.
+      -->
+         <grid restricted_extent="-10 40 10 50">WGS84</grid>
+         <grid>g</grid>
+      <!-- metadata
+         optional metadata tags used for responding to GetCapabilities request.
+         you can put anything in here, although only the title and abstract tags
+         are currently used to populate the GetCapabilities document.
+      -->
+      <metadata>
+         <title>vmap0 map</title>
+         <abstract>blabla</abstract>
+      </metadata>
+      <!-- watermark
+         optional tag to add a watermark to the tiles *before* storing them to cache
+         the supplied image MUST be exactly the same size as the size of the tiles
+         configured in the <grid>
+         the supplied image is read when the configuration is loaded.
+         if you make changes to the image, they will NOT be reflected on tiles already
+         stored in the cache, nor on newly stored tiles until the server is restarted
+      <watermark>/home/tbonfort/dev/mod-mapcache/static/watermark.png</watermark>
+      -->
+      <!-- format
+         (optional) format to use when storing a tile. this should be a format with high
+         compression, eg. png with compression "best", as the compression operation is only
+         done once at creation time.
+         if left out, no recompression is applied to the image, mod-mapcache will store the
+         exact image received from the <source>
+         note that the <format> tag is mandatory if metatile, metabuffer or watermark are
+         supplied, as in those cases a recompression has to be done.
+      -->
+      <format>PNG</format>
+      <!-- metatile
+         number of columns and rows to use for metatiling, see http://geowebcache.org/docs/current/concepts/metatiles.html
+      -->
+      <metatile>5 5</metatile>
+      <!-- metabuffer
+         area around the tile or metatile that will be cut off to prevent some edge artifacts.
+         if using this, the configured source must be instructed not to put any labels inside
+         this area, as otherwise this will result in truncated labels (for mapserver, this is
+         the "labelcache_map_edge_buffer" "-10" metadata entry, along with label PARTIALS FALSE
+      -->
+      <metabuffer>10</metabuffer>
+      <!-- expires
+         optional expiration value in seconds for a tile. this is expressed in a number of seconds
+         after the creation date of the tile
+         This is the value that will be set in the HTTP Expires and Cache-Control headers, and has
+         no effect on the actual expiration of tiles on the caches. See <auto_expire> for that.
+      -->
+      <expires>3600</expires>
+      <!-- auto_expire
+         automatically re-request tiles and update the cache once they are older than the given number
+         of seconds after their creation.
+         Note that this will only delete tiles form the cache when they are accessed, you cannot
+         use this configuration to limit the size of the created cache.
+         Note that if set, this value overrides the value given by <expires>
+      -->
+      <auto_expire>86400</auto_expire>
+      <!-- dimensions
+         optional dimensions that should be cached
+         the order of the <dimension> tags inside the <dimensions> is important as it is used
+         to create the directory structure for the disk cache. i.e. if you change the order of these
+         values, any tiles that have been previously cached are invalidated (but not removed from the 
+         cache, it's just they don't exist anymore for mod-mapcache
+      -->
+      <dimensions>
+         <!-- values dimension 
+            the example here creates a DIM1 dimension
+             * WMS and WMTS clients can now add a &DIM1=value to their request string. If they don't
+            specify this key/value, the default will be to use DIM1=foobar
+             * the allowed values for DIM1= are foobar (it is important to add the default value to the
+               allowed values entry), foobarbaz, foo and bar.
+             * the value specified for DIM1 will be forwarded to the WMS source
+             * the produced tile will be stored in base/gridname/DIM1/value/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx.png
+               file. i.e. their are as many different caches created as their are values in the
+               <values> tag.
+         -->
+         <dimension type="values" name="DIM1" default="foobar">foobar,foobarbaz,foo,bar</dimension>
+         <!-- regex dimension
+            the following creates a MAPFILE dimension, for using the same mod-mapcache tileset with different
+            mapserver mapfiles. the name of the mapfiles need not be known to mod-mapcache, and can therefore be 
+            created even after mod-mapcache has been started.
+            when a user passes a MAPFILE=/path/to/mapfile, the string "/path/to/mapfile" is validated against
+            the supplied (PCRE) regular expression. The one in this example allows a name composed of aphanumeric characters
+            spearated by slashes (/) and finishing with ".map" ( [a-zA-Z0-9\./]*\.map$ ) , but will faill if there
+            are two consecutive dots (..) in the path, to prevent filesystem traversal  ( (?!.*\.\.) ).
+         -->
+         <dimension type="regex" name="MAPFILE" default="/path/to/mapfile.map">^(?!.*\.\.)[a-zA-Z0-9\./]*\.map$</dimension>
+         <!-- intervals dimension
+            the syntax is the same as common-ows, i.e. a comma separated list of "min/max/resolution" entries.
+            eg: 
+               * 0/5000/1000 allows the values 0,1000,2000,3000,4000 and 5000
+               * 0/100/0 allows any values between 0 and 100
+               * both values can be combined: 0/5000/1000,0/100/0
+         -->
+         <dimension name="ELEVATION" type="intervals" default="0">0/5000/1000</dimension>
+         <!-- coming in a future version: support for ISO8601 date/time dimensions -->
+      </dimensions>
+   </tileset>
+Services are the type of request that mod-mapcache will respond
+to. You should of course enable at least one.
+.. code-block:: xml
+   <service type="wms" enabled="true">
+      <!-- this service should actually be called "ogc". It is different from the other
+           services as it does not listen on the /wms endpoint, but directly on /.
+           It will intercept wms getmap requests that can be treated from configured
+           tilesets, and can optionally forward all the rest to (an)other server(s)
+           TODO: this needs way more documenting
+      <forwarding_rule name="foo rule">
+            <append_pathinfo>true</append_pathinfo>
+            <http>
+               <url>http://localhost/mapcacheproxy</url>
+            </http>
+      </forwarding_rule>
+      -->
+      <!-- full_wms
+           configure response to wms requests that are not aligned to a tileset's grids.
+           responding to requests that are not in the SRS of a configured grid is not supported, but
+           this should never happen as only the supported SRSs are publicized in the capabilities
+           document.
+           allowed values are:
+             - error: return a 404 error (default)
+             - assemble: build the full image by assembling the tiles from the cache
+             - forward: forward the request to the configured source.
+      -->
+      <full_wms>assemble</full_wms>
+      <!-- resample mode
+      filter applied when resampling tiles for full wms requests.
+      can be either:
+      - nearest : fastest, poor quality
+      - bilinear: slower, higher qulity
+      -->
+      <resample_mode>bilinear</resample_mode>
+      <!-- format
+         image format to use when assembling tiles
+      -->
+      <format>myjpeg</format>
+   </service>
+   <service type="wmts" enabled="true"/>
+   <service type="tms" enabled="true"/>
+   <service type="kml" enabled="true"/>
+   <service type="gmaps" enabled="true"/>
+   <service type="ve" enabled="true"/>
+   <service type="demo" enabled="true"/>
+.. code-block:: xml
+   <!-- default_format
+      format to use when a client asks for an image that is dynamically created from multiple
+      tiles from the cache.
+      note that using a png format with "best" compression is not recommended
+      here as it comes with a very compression overhead in terms of cpu processing. it is
+      recommended to use a png format with "fast"compression here, unless you have plenty
+      of server cpu power and or limited bandwidth
+   -->
+   <default_format>JPEG</default_format>
+   <!-- services
+      services that will be responded to by mod-mapcache
+      each service is accessible at the url http://host/path/to/mapcache/{service},
+      eg http://myhost/mapcache/wms for OGC WMS.
+   -->
+   <!-- errors
+        configure how error will be reported back to a client:
+          - log : no error is reported back, except an http error code.
+          - report : return the error message to the client in textual format
+          - empty_img : return an empty image to the client. the actual error code is in the X-Mapcache-Error http header
+          - report_img : return an image with the error text included inside. not implemented yet.
+        the default setting is to report the error message back to the user. In production, you might want to set this to "log"
+        if you're paranoid, or to "empty_img" if you want to play nice with non-conforming clients.
+   -->
+   <errors>report</errors>
+   <!--
+        location to put lockfiles (to block other clients while a metatile is being rendered.
+        defaults to /tmp
+        this location should be writable by the apache user
+   -->
+   <lock_dir>/tmp</lock_dir>

Added: trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_install.txt
--- trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_install.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_install.txt	2011-09-09 18:02:08 UTC (rev 12534)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.. _mapcache_install:
+ Mapserver MapCache Compilation/Installation Instructions
+:Author: Thomas Bonfort
+:Contact: tbonfort at terriscope.fr

Added: trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_seed.txt
--- trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_seed.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/en/mapcache/mapcache_seed.txt	2011-09-09 18:02:08 UTC (rev 12534)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+.. _mapcache_seed:
+ MapCache Seeder
+:Author: Thomas Bonfort
+:Contact: tbonfort at terriscope.fr
+Mod-mapcache ships whith an advanced seeding tool, whose main features are:
+ * configurable number of seeding threads, to speed up the rendering.
+ * ability to reseed tiles older than a certain timestamp
+ * ability to seed tiles given a shapefile/ogr datasource
+The seeding utility is named mapcache_seed, and is located in the mapcache/src/
+directory of the project
+Commandline options
+   -c [file] : path to the mapcache.xml configuration file that contains the
+               tilesets that need to be seeded.
+   -t [tileset]: name of the tileset that must be seeded
+   -g [grid]: name of the grid that must be seeded (the selected
+              tileset must reference the given grid)
+   -z minzoom,maxzoom: (optional) start and end zoom levels that must be seeded.
+   -e minx,miny,maxx,maxy: (optional) bounding box of the area to seed
+   -o (timestamp|now): (optional) only seed tiles that are older than the given value.
+                       The value can either be the string "now", or a date formatted
+                       like year/month/day hour:minute, eg: "2011/01/31 20:45".
+                       (note that a full timestamp should be quoted).
+   -n nthreads: number of parallel threads that should be used to request
+                tiles from the wms source. The default is 1, but can be set higher
+                if the WMS server can withstand parallel requests (as a rule of thumb,
+                the value chosen here should never be much higher than the number
+                of cpus on the wms server)
+   -q: don't print progress messages to the standard output
+   -D "DIMENSION=VALUE": used to specify which dimension to use if the tileset supports
+                         dimensions. Can be used multiple times to set multiple 
+                         dimensions, e.g. -D "DIM1=VAL1" -D "DIM2=VAL2"
+Optional Commandline options when using OGR/GEOS
+At compile time, if ogr and geos where found on the system, the seeder tool
+supports additional options to seed only the tiles that cover an arbitrary
+geographical area. *Important:* Note that for the time being, the OGR
+datasource should be in the same projection as the grid you are seeding, as
+there is no automatic reprojection from the datasource projection to the grid
+   -d [ogr_datasource]: ogr connection to the spatial source. Consult the OGR
+                          documentation for all that is supported. In the simplest case (e.g. a
+                           Shapefile), this is just the full filename of the shapefile
+   -l [ogr_layer]: (optional) for datasources that contain multiple layers (e.g. postgis, with
+                   multiple tables), determines which layer will be used
+   -s [ogr_sql]: OGR sql expression that can be applied (see http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_sql.html )
+   -w [ogr_where]: sql "where" expression to filter out returned values. This would
+                   typically be used to select only the geometry of a given country if the
+                   datasource contains all the world contours
+Important Note
+The seeding utility must be run under the same user account as the
+user running the webserver. This is required so the permissions on the tiles
+created by the seeder are accessible by the webserver, and conversely so the
+seeder has the rights to write files to directories created by the webserver.
+A sample seeding session goes like this:
+  [user at host]$ sudo www-data
+  [www-data at host]$ /path/to/mapcache/src/mapcache_seed -c /path/to/www/conf/mapcache.xml [[options]]
+  [www-data at host]$ logout
+  [user at host]$
+Seed the "osm" tileset with the "g" (google/web-mercator) grid:
+   ./src/mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g
+Seed levels 0 through 12:
+   ./src/mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12
+Given a shapefile that contains the world country countours, seed only the
+areas that are covered by land (i.e. skip the oceans). Also use 4 request
+threads in parallel:
+   ./src/mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12 -n 4 -d /path/to/seed.shp
+Same as beforehand, but only seed the USA (notice the quote usage, required to
+create valid sql with a single-quoted 'US':
+   ./src/mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12 -n 4 -d /path/to/seed.shp -w "FIPS_A2='US'"
+Reseed levels 0 to 12 (this could also be done by deleting the cache for levels
+0 to 12 and doing a classic seed, but doing so this way does not slow down the
+access from web clients):
+   ./src/mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12 -o now

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