WCS getCoverage fault

Frank Warmerdam fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 27 10:31:24 EDT 2005

On 7/27/05, Miguel-Angel Manso <m.manso at upm.es> wrote:
> Hello,
> Finally i could start up WCS with a layer made by tiling Geotiff file derived from HGT of
> SRTM mission.
> But at this moment i have view that when you make a request to getCoverge and BBox
> don't fit with tile element origin + n pixel * resolution size the result coverage retrieve is
> incomple.
> One example:
> http://mapas.topografia.upm.es/cgi-
> bin/v46/WCS?Service=WCS&Version=1.0.0&Request=GetCoverage&Coverage=srtm&
> CRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=14.5,2.5,16.5,4.5&Width=1200&Height=1200&Format=imag
> e/geotiff_int16
> Request image have desired size 1200*1200 but content in botton is empty.


I'm not sure this is a mapserver-dev issue - it might be better addressed
on mapserver-users. 

Looking at your image it appears that 6 of the 9 tiles needed to satisfy 
the request were properly mosaiced in, but the 3 tiles in the 2-3 degree
north chunk are missing.  How sure are you that you actually have these
tiles in your tile index?  And that they are valid?   


OK, I tried a similar request but moved things up one degree and I 
got a similar effect for data that worked fine in the first request.  So there
definately seems to be a bug in MapServer, or possibly something quirky
about your tileindex.  I am assuming you have a tile index listing all the
1 degree SRTM squares, right?  You could see a similar effect if there
was something wrong with the polygon extents in your tileindex. 

If you can produce a smallish example that demonstrates the same
problem, and submit it via bugzilla then I would be willing to take a look.
Say a tileindex with just the 9 tiles in question, and using downsampled 
versions of those tiles so they aren't too large (say 300x300 each). 

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
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