Proposal to add Steve Woodbridge to the TSC

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Thu Apr 13 13:46:01 EDT 2006

I also support Steve Woodbridge's membership on the TSC.



At 11:30 AM -0600 4/13/06, Sean Gillies wrote:
>Hi all,
>For as long as I've been involved with MapServer, Steve Woodbridge 
>has been a contributor to discussions not only on MapServer usage, 
>but also on project architecture, governance, and direction. I've 
>appreciated his insights, and would like for us to encourage and 
>empower Steve by giving him a position on MapServer's technical 
>steering committee. In accordance with our rules, I propose that we 
>add Steve Woodbridge as a TSC member, and cast my +1 vote.
>Sean Gillies

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