agg changes

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Aug 30 10:31:20 EDT 2007

thomas bonfort wrote:
> daniel,
> maybe a solution could be to mark those features as deprecated in the
> doc, and that they will not be maintained anymore and removed in a
> future (which one?) release.

Do we know which features need to be depreacted and is there any 
guarantee that they will be removed and replaced in 5.2? Are we only 
talking about the endcaps and cartoline stuff? Probaably not, and in 
this case this requires more planning and thinking that I'm not sure 
we'll be able to do well before 5.0.

Of course if you guys have a plan in mind and know what will be taken 
out then I have no objection, I just know that I don't have a clear idea 
and would not be comfortable doing it myself.

Daniel Morissette

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