Google Summer of Code Ideas

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Mar 13 13:14:45 EDT 2007

One last idea I had was to work on optimizations for tiled maps, particularly around labeling
and feature continuity.


>>> On 3/12/2007 at 2:53 PM, in message <45F5697A.5157.008F.0 at>,
Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US> wrote:
> Other ideas depend on how deep into the guts you might want someone to go. I 
> like the
> KML idea. One could easily envision more general output support. After KML 
> someone would
> want GeoRSS and then the next big thing. Would be nice to develop something 
> extensible. 
> Even taking the existing GML driver and making it an output format would be 
> useful (e.g. 
> independent of OWS).
> Other ideas might include:
>   -  label drawing efficiency (building on Steve W.'s bit cache idea)
>   - autorotation for polygon features
>   - XML mapfiles although that is probably way to big
>   - run-time joins for rendering and classification
> Steve
>>>> On 3/9/2007 at 4:08 PM, in message <45F1DAF9.1020606 at>, Daniel
> Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> wrote:
>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> IF we ever get around to cleaning up the C code that would be great. But 
>>> if we defined an API and SWIG'd it then that would be the API that we 
>>> would clean up to, and it would give us a starting place. And it would 
>>> be doable as a summer project.
>> Would you be willing to mentor this project?  ;)
>>> I'm just saying ...
>>> And you were asking for ideas ...
>> Sorry if I sound like I'm shooting down good ideas. I know I'm the worst 
>> person to have in a brainstorming sessions because I tend to jump into 
>> the feasibility analysis too quick.
>> Daniel
>> -- 
>> Daniel Morissette

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