RFC 23 - MapServer PSC

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Wed Mar 28 13:16:07 EDT 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Steve Lime wrote:
>> I wanted to set an initial target simply because I think it would be 
>> good to grow the
>> group right off the bat as a concrete action. Does anyone see a need 
>> for term limits
>> and such (for members, for the chair)?
> Steve,
> I see term limits as contrary to good governance in this situation.  I
> wouldn't object to a set annual review of who is still active with an
> eye towards replacing those who aren't really that involved anymore.
> Best regards,

I don't see a need for term limits either, and agree that a yearly 
review as Frank suggest would be a good idea.

I do not have any other comment about the RFC. It looks good to me.


P.S. The source of RFC-23 is in HTML format in the Plone site, which 
makes it nearly impossible to edit online. However RFC-1 and most other 
RFCs are in ReStructured Text format. What would you all think of 
encouraging the use of ReStructured Text format for all RFCs (and as 
much as possible for any doc on the Plone site) which is much easier to 
edit online?

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