[mapserver-dev] 6.0 release scheduling

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Fri Jan 14 06:00:40 EST 2011

--------Yewondwossen Assefa <yassefa at dmsolutions.ca> wrote--------
Subject: Re: [mapserver-dev] 6.0 release scheduling
Date: 14.01.2011 05:30

>Hi Peter,
Hi Yewondwossen
>> (...)
>> I'm right now in front of the INSPIRE View Services docs and would add
>another item to that list: metadata. There is a large part of the specs
>dedicated to metadata, which is covered by a INSPIRE specific namespce
>(http://inspire.europa.eu/networkservice/view/1.0). Some of that metadata
>must be included in the capabilities document in order to conform to the
>INSPIRE guidelines.
>> I can not say anything how this could be handled by MapServer.
>are you refering to elements that are part of the ExtendedCapabilities 
>element such as ResourceType  SpatialDataServiceType, ... ?  There seems 
>to be a series of manadatory and optional elements that need to be part 
>of the ExtendedCapabilities  element. Outside the extended capabilities, 
>there are also few other metadata such as abstract, fees,  that are 
>mandatory  (same elements that we find in regular wms)
>I think there will be a need to define in the map file an option to 
>indicate that the capabilities need to be extended and extension should 
>be done according to the inspire specs.  We can then have specific 
>functions that can be added to read inspire type metadata to populate 
>the  ExtendedCapabilities  part of the document.
>  Basically from what I can see, here are the things I see need to be 
>part of the capabilities document:
>   - add a link to the inspire schema as part of the overall schema list
>   - generate an ExtendedCapabilities
>   - include all elements by reading inspire type metadata
>   - all other metadata outside that extended capabilities should 
>already be part of the regular wms output
>What other elements need to be there to make it a valid getcapabilities 
I would say that this should cover all INSPIRE requirements on metadata. Unfortunately I have to leave right now, but will double check the list until Monday.

>Are there other docs related to the spec beside 
Theoretically WMF, described in http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/documents/Network_Services/INSPIRE%20Draft%20Technical%20Guidance%20Download%20(Version%202.0).pdf is related, too. But I could not notice any substantial difference to what is already covered in the View Services spec.
>Assefa Yewondwossen
>Software Analyst
>Email: yassefa at dmsolutions.ca
>Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
>Fax:   (613) 565-0925

R3 GIS Srl - GmbH

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