<div style="font-family:arial;font-size:10pt;"><font name="wm_default_font" style="position: relative;" face="arial" size="2"><div>Hi,<br>I'll be there too! Should we book a room? There's still Sooke room available.<br><br>Julien<br><br><br><br>-----Original Message-----<br>From: Daniel Morissette <dmorissette@MAPGEARS.COM><br>Sent: Fri, September 21, 2007 11:25 am<br>To: MAPSERVER-DEV@LISTS.UMN.EDU<br>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-DEV] MapServer BOF at FOSS4G?<br><br>Hi everyone<br><br>I would like to propose that we organize a MapServer BOF, or some kind <br>of face to face meeting for the MapServer PSC at FOSS4G next week.<br><br>It would be good if the PSC took the habit to get together at least once <br>a year, plus there are some topics that we should discuss with the wider <br>community, especially relating to our vision for the future direction of <br>MapServer.<br><br>You probably all remember that back in June, the discussion on RFC-22a <br>turned into a debate on our respective visions for the future of <br>MapServer and we concluded that it would be important to discuss and <br>sort that out at a later time. I think this would be the time to do it.<br><br>I wanted to bring up the idea earlier, but I didn't think we could have <br>this discussion without SteveL who was not expected to be going to <br>FOSS4G. However I just found out that Steve will be able to make it to <br>Victoria, that's why I am sending this email now.<br><br>Here are some topics I'd like to see discussed:<br><br>1- MapServer vision / future direction<br> - Do we still stan by the "not a full-featured GIS system, nor does <br>it aspire to be".<br> - Do we prioritize speed/robustness, or features (hard to achieve <br>both as features get more complex).<br> - Try to come up with a vision statement:<br><br>2- MapServer vs Other projects:<br> - Where we stand with respect to GeoServer, MapGuide and the like <br>(competing or complementing?).<br><br>Other topics welcome, but keep in mind that just the above can easily <br>fill an hour or two.<br><br>It seems that there are still slots available for BOFs on Tuesday night <br>from 16:45 to 19:00. Would that work for everyone?<br>http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/FOSS4G2007_BOF_Sessions<br><br>The main issue is that some of us (myself included) may have wanted to <br>be in other BOFs, so maybe we should try to pick another time and either <br>meet in a hall or at the pub. Pub would be good if we want only the PSC <br>members to meet, but we may want to include the wider community in a <br>discussion about the future direction and in this case a BOF is really <br>the way to go.<br><br>BTW, who from the PSC is going to be at FOSS4G next week?<br><br>I believe the following people already said they will be present:<br><br>DanielM, SteveL, FrankW, HowardB, TamasS, JeffM,<br><br>... and that the following people won't be:<br><br>AssefaY, TomK<br><br>What about others?<br><br>Comments/feedback on the meeting/BOF idea ASAP please.<br><br>Daniel<br>-- <br>Daniel Morissette<br>http://www.mapgears.com/<br></div></font></div>