Hey,<br><br>I'm trying to access the colorrange values for a Style object in PHP-MapScript, however, I can't find the min/max color values for the StyleObj but I can set the minvalue, maxvalue and rangeitem properties. Is there a reason why these are not (yet?) implemented?<br>
<br>When I'm using a mapfile to accomplish this, it works: <br><br> CLASS<br> NAME "gemeenten"<br> STYLE<br> COLORRANGE 255 255 0 255 0 0 # black to yellow<br> DATARANGE 0.0 100<br>
RANGEITEM "PROPERTY" <br> END<br> END<br><br>But I just can't find a way to do this in MapScript...<br><br>It's related to this ticket: <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/2913">http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/2913</a><br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br>Hendrik Nijmeijer<br>