Hi Devs,<br><br>According to <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3201">http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3201</a> it looks like the implementations of msSaveImageBufferGD and msSaveImageGD are getting largely out of sync.<br>
In msSaveImageBufferGD the implementation of msSaveImageRGBAPalette and msSaveImageRGBAQuantized is completely missing and this one doesn't support the QUANTIZE_NEW option either.<br>I consider this as a critical issue for the mapscript users which should also be fixed in the stable branch. I've prepared a new version of msSaveImageBufferGD which would use the same internal method as what msSaveImageGD is using when saving the image (msSaveImageGDCtx). See the implementation below:<br>
<br>unsigned char *msSaveImageBufferGD(imageObj *img, int *size_ptr, outputFormatObj *format)<br>{<br> unsigned char *imgbytes;<br> <br> gdIOCtx *ctx = gdNewDynamicCtx (2048, NULL);<br> if (msSaveImageGDCtx( img, ctx, format ) == MS_SUCCESS)<br>
imgbytes = gdDPExtractData (ctx, size_ptr);<br> else<br> imgbytes = NULL;<br><br> ctx->gd_free(ctx);<br><br> return imgbytes;<br>}<br><br><br>Any objection to apply this fix in both the trunk and the stable(5-6) branch?<br>
<br>Best regards,<br><br>Tamas<br><br>