Hi All,<br><br>In search of my memory (and my mails) the recent plan of the 6.0 release has been scheduled as follows:<br><br>"Plan for a feature freeze on Nov 15th, with a little over 2 months for betas, aiming for final release between Jan 15th and 31st"<br>
<br>How do we stand with the upcoming activities in the light of this?<br><br>I can see the following RFCs may be affected or must be scheduled:<br><br>RFC-50 (OpenGL)<br>RFC-52 (One-pass query processing), we wanted to do some rework as far as I remember.<br>
RFC-54 (Rendering overhaul)<br>RFC-58 (KML output)<br>RFC-62 (Additional WFS GetFeature Output Formats)<br>RFC-63 (OpenLayers viewer)<br>RFC-64 (Expression parser overhaul)<br><br>Do we have any other plan which will be covered with an RFC soon? How much time the pending efforts will take to be implemented?<br>
The <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/60ReleasePlan">6.0 release plan</a> document may also updated with some up to date information if possible.<br><br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Tamas<br><br><br><br>