<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">I tried to set up MapServer SOS and could run GetCapabilities and DecsribeSensor perfectly. But I faced a problem regarding to GetObservation: the SOS doesn't return anything. You may see the map file I have created below: </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> MAP </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> NAME "SOS_DEMO" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> STATUS ON </font></div><div><font face="'times new
roman', 'new york', times, serif"> SIZE 400 300 </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> UNITS METERS </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> SHAPEPATH "C:\ms4w\apps\tutorial\data" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> WEB </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> IMAGEPATH "C:\ms4w\apps\tutorial\templates"
</font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> IMAGEURL "C:\ms4w\apps\tutorial\images" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> METADATA </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "sos_onlineresource" "" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "sos_title" "My SOS Demo Server" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "sos_srs" "EPSG:4326" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">
"sos_enable_request" "*" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> PROJECTION </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "init=epsg:4326" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> LAYER </font></div><div><font face="'times new
roman', 'new york', times, serif"> NAME "sos_point" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> METADATA </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "sos_procedure" "ifgi-sensor-1" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "sos_offering_id" "WQ1289" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "sos_observedproperty_id" "Water Quality" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "sos_describesensor_url" "" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">
END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> TYPE POINT </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> STATUS ON </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> DATA 'sospoint' </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> PROJECTION </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> "init=epsg:4326" </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times,
serif"> CLASS </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> NAME 'sospoint' </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> STYLE </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> COLOR 255 128 128 </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> END </font></div><div><font face="'times
new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">As you see, I tried to retrieve sensor data from a shapefile. The message returned by the SOS is: </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <om:ObservationCollection xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" xmlns:swe="http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:sos="http://www.opengis.net/sos/1.0" xmlns:ms="http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapserver" xmlns:om="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0" gml:id="WQ1289" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/om/1.0.0/om.xsd
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapserver"> </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <om:member></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <om:Observation></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <om:procedure xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:procedure:ifgi-sensor-1"/></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <om:observedProperty></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:CompositePhenomenon gml:id="Water Quality" dimension="3"></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:component
xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:Id"/></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:sensor_nam"/></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:sensor_val"/></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </swe:CompositePhenomenon></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </om:observedProperty></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <om:resultDefinition></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:DataBlockDefinition></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">
<swe:components></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:DataRecord/></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </swe:components></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:encoding></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> <swe:TextBlock tokenSeparator="," blockSeparator=" " decimalSeparator="."/></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </swe:encoding></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </swe:DataBlockDefinition></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </om:resultDefinition></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">
<om:result></om:result></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </om:Observation></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </om:member></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"> </om:ObservationCollection></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">Although I put 6 observations into the shapefile but the SOS doesn't return any. I have also tested it by retrieving data from PostGIS and it did not work. Would you please let me know what I should do to resolve the problem?! </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="'times new
roman', 'new york', times, serif">Thanks, </font></div><div><font face="'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif">Ebrahim</font></div></div></div></body></html>