graduated color symbols and mapserver

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Thu Nov 4 14:01:41 EST 1999

That's what classes are for. Each class has it's
own symbolization. The hard part is  the expression to use with ranges of numbers. One easy thing to do is to pre-classify each shape in arcview and then use that column in mapserver class expressions.


<<< Robert Chavez <rchavez at> 11/ 4 12:15p >>>
I'm wondering if there is some way to imitate ArcView's Graduated Color
Legend/Symbol type.  I have a shapefile of contour lines and I'd like to

come up with a graduated color line symbol (or symbols) for ranges of
elevation. It's kind of a dumb aesthetic problem, but I'd like to figure

out how to represent these different elevations visually with
MapServer.  All I can think of right now is breaking apart the shapefile

into separate files based on ranges of elevation.

Robert Chavez
Perseus Project
rchavez at

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