multiple layer queries

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Wed Nov 10 14:52:05 EST 1999

Sure, you can do this. Key is to use mode=nquery rather than simply
query.  You also have to how the mapserver builds a page when 
multiple query results are present.

  - sends web- header (if defined)

  for each layer with query results
    - sends layer- header (if defined) 

    for each result within a layer
      - sends query- template
    next result

    - sends layer- footer (if defined) 
  next layer

  - sends web- footer (if defined)    

Sorta like building a sandwich.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Michael Hass <mdh20 at> 11/10/99 01:41PM >>>
Hi all 
I have the query the layer one at a time using a unique
template for each query down. Is there a way to combine
a query for multiple layers into one template, so that
by clicking on a point backed by a poly you could get
the results from both in one shot. I have tried coding it
in the mapfile/page but it ignores one and answers the other.
Mike Hass

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