Somewhat Off-Topic Javascript question

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Thu Nov 11 12:21:51 EST 1999

I don't think you can get REMOTE_USER, but you can
use cookies to accomplish something similar. When the user logs in you could set a username cookie and retrieve it when needed.

3.3 gives you the ability to modify just about any mapserver variable via a form. So let's say you can get the username from a cookie, you could do
something like this:

<script language="javascript">
username = ...function to get the cookie...; = "shape_" + username;

in the form you'd have a hidden variable like:

<input type="hidden" name="map:odbc_data:data" value="">

The syntax map:odbc_data:data defines an object in
the mapfile. I used :'s as seperators hoping they
would work ok with javascript for just such an occasion. This is untested though.

I assume then you have some other process 
generating the user shapefiles. 

Without knowing much about the actual app this might be a case where mapscript might be real useful. That is if you could use perl to do the
ODBC/SQL queries. 


<<< Kieran Ames <kames at> 11/11 10:43a >>>
I see in the example advanced templates that JavaScript is being used to
set/validate some of the form variables that are sent to MapServ. I'd
like to capitalize on this (if I can) by defining some layers as a
function of the user's identity.
My users have to authenticate when they connect to my server. In the cgi
world, their username is available to my Perl scripts as
"$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}". In my case, $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}would translate to

Let's say that I include in the HTML template, a form that allows the
user to kick-off a process that retreives data from an external data
source (ODBC) and that I use the shaplib utilities to create the
associated shp, shx and dbf files. I'd want to specify the username
($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}) as part of the shape file naming conventions so
that one user wouldn't over-write the data created by another.
(In cgi/Perl, I'd say something like $filename = "shape_" .
$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} and then create  $filename.shp, $filename.dbf . I'd
then have files like shape_kieran.shp, shape_kieran.dbf)

1. Can JavaScript access the $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}variable?
2. The layer I would just have created was not defined in the map file.
How could I accomplish this substitution?
The functional result I'm trying to achieve would be something like

     NAME "ODBC_data"
     DATA shape_$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} #This would resolve to shape_kieran
          NAME "Point Results"
          COLOR 0 0 0
     END # Class
END # Layer

I might reaching for the sky with this one!
TIA for any thoughts.


PS. I've been looking for shapelib utilities that work in an NT world.
Doug Nebert provided me with a wonderful Perl script and I got a friend
of mine to compile the shapelib c code for me. I tried out a revised
version of Doug's script with the resulting executables and got what I
needed! I still need to do some more testing, but thought I'd pass this
info on to the group.


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