Radio button!

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Fri Aug 18 09:54:20 EDT 2000

(very attractive interface) Anyway, these aren't MapServer issues. You can
achieve what you want using some javascript.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> <aborruso at> 08/04/00 10:57AM >>>
Dear users,
In my mapserver interface

I have three radio button, zoomin, zoomout and pan, and a checkbox (info,
query map), but I would like tu use info checkbox like a radiobotton, in
other worlds I would like that when I check info radiobotton the other
three bottons should become deselected. This is also to put in a wish list,
because it's logical for me that an user or wish to zoomin or to zoomout or
to pan or to have an info, and it isn't user friendly must remember to
uncheck info checkbox before zoomin or paning in the map. How can I do to
obtain this feature (if is it possible)?
Thank you,


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