3.2 to 3.3xx

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Fri Jan 14 22:52:44 EST 2000

Here goes...

SYMBOL_PATH=: goes away. There are no default symbol sets with 3.3. If you use symbols other than the degenerate cases (i.e. symbol 0) you'll need to specify the appropriate SHADESET, LINESET or MARKERSET. In many simple cases no symbol sets are necessary.

IMAGE_PATH=: called IMAGEPATH and defined in the WEB object. Must be full path or relative to location of the mapfile. Must end with '/' or '\'.

IMAGE_VIRTUAL_PATH= called IMAGEURL in the WEB object. Again, must end with '/' or '\'.

CONTACT_EMAIL=: Not used. Too many people left it pointing to me. 

LOG_PATH=: Now named LOG in the WEB object. It is the full filename (full path or relative to map file) of the log file. Must be writable by the web user. Supposedly logging is broken and will be fixed in 3.3.004. 

These are documented in the online HTML pages...


<<< Ma <marin at here.is>  1/14  6:42p >>>

How to set up the variables from v3.2 ini file to the last v3.3xx? Where
is the new place for them?



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