How to mark object on a map using PHP/MapScript ??

kibez kibez at
Tue Jun 27 15:18:01 EDT 2000

Hi all,

It is necessary for me to draw the sign (a point, a line...) on a map
Somehow it is necessary to select the retrieved object on a map.

How it can be made, using PHP/MapScript????

Unfortunately the given code does not work!!!

$img = $gpoMap->draw();


$oMarkPoint = ms_newpointobj();
$oMarkPoint->setxy($point[0], $point[1]);

$oLayerAddress = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname("address_point");
$oMarkPoint->draw($gpoMap, $oLayerAddress, $img, "", "!!!!!!!!!!");

                  Fatal error:  Call to unsupported or undefined
function draw() in map.php3 on line 675

Whether there are other ways to mark the object on a map using
PHP/MapScript ???

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