tiling imagery

Andrea Goethals andreag at geoplan.ufl.edu
Wed Oct 4 16:21:33 EDT 2000


I am looking for a way to have the user select spatial
extents to display our satellite imagery and aerial

I saw the "Index" option for the Layer object in the
map file but can't seem to figure out how to use it.

Basically I have shapefiles that show the extents of
each image and there's an item in the .dbf that
says which image the extent corresponds to.

Are any of you doing something similar and could
offer suggestions?


| Andrea Goethals         |
| andreag at geoplan.ufl.edu |
| GeoPlan Center          |
| University of Florida   |
| www.geoplan.ufl.edu     |
| Phone: (352)392-2351    |

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