PDA version of MapServer

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.on.ca
Wed Oct 11 08:46:19 EDT 2000

Roberto Micarelli wrote:
> One Mapserver limit I found, is the lack of an abstraction to access
> map data in a format other than shape file.
> I was two days navigating the source and finding 'SHP' calls
> spread everywhere.
> There's SDE interface but - at least with my version - no query support.


We have recently added in MapServer support for the OGR library to
access vector data.  OGR (http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/opengis/) is a
generic interface to access vector data inspired by the OGC Simple
Feature Specification, and there are currently Open Source drivers in
OGR to access MapInfo TAB and MIF, Shapefiles, NTF, SDTS, Tiger, S-57
and OGDI.  As new formats are developed into OGR, they will
automatically be available in MapServer.

The OGR support will be part of the next release, but like the SDE
support it still lacks query capability.  This should be adressed by
Steve after the next release and then I will update the OGR link the
same way.



P.S. If anyone is interested in downloading the OGR source, please do
not use the link at http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/opengis/ since it is
Instead go to http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ and download and
compile the complete GDAL library source code which includes OGR.  The
MapServer configure script will fetch the appropriate OGR components
from the GDAL source tree.
 Daniel Morissette             morissette at dmsolutions.on.ca
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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