FW: MapServer logo (was: Call for volunteers!)

Norman Vine nhv at cape.com
Mon Oct 30 19:30:24 EST 2000

Daniel Morissette writes:
>Hopefully we'll receive more suggestions...  If anyone has ideas, even
>if you don't have the tools or the artistic skills to draw it yourself,
>just send a description of your idea to the list and perhaps someone
>else can draw a prototype.

Might I suggest that instead of a globe,
we use a global projection of the Earth.

some possibilities
 o Siusoidal
 o Mollweide
 o Robinson
 o Eckert
 o Goode Homolosine
 o McBryde-Thomas
 o Boggs

The proj library documentation has good drawings
of these and others

Norman Vine

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