problem compiling PHP mapscript module

massimo ambrosini massimo at
Sun Apr 1 12:50:40 EDT 2001


I'm trying to compile mapserver with php mapscript module but I get an error.
My os is linux and I have apache_1.3.12 and php-3.0.15. 
PHP3 is statically linked into Apache.

When I run: ./configure --with-php3=../php-3.0.15

I get:     ap_config_auto.h: file not found
            ap_config.h: file not found  
            .... and so on.

I've read the faq about this problem but it regards the use of php as DSO.
When I compile php3 source in apache building procedure  I use "--with-apache=../apache_1.3.12" so 
the make process can find the header files like "ap_config_auto.h" etc. 
When I compile mapserver source what can I do to avoid the file not found error on these header files ?



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