Passing lat/lon to URL

Douglas K. Rand rand at
Mon Feb 19 15:34:59 EST 2001

Douglas K. Rand wrote:

> I'm working on a fairly simple map browser that I need to pass a
> latitude and longitude to another URL.  [...]

Stephen Lime wrote:

> I'm not quite sure I see the problem. If I understand right, then you're using
> the map for the user to identify a point correct? There are several ways to
> deal with this. The easiest I think would be to create a second, really simple
> map file that basically looks like:
>   STATUS OFF # important, you don't want a map created
>   UNITS meters # whatever matches the projection
>     .. set your projection ...
>   END
>   WEB
>     TEMPLATE "[maplat]?lon=[maplon]"
>   END

Right on the money. I hadn't considered using a different map. This works like a
champ (after I also figured out I need the image size in the form).


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