installing perl mapscript

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue Jan 30 17:48:26 EST 2001

I imagine the NT Makefile doesn't contain the code to create the perlvars file. Here's an

-I. -I/usr/local/mapserver/src/gd-1.2 -I/usr/local/mapserver/src/gdft -I/usr/local/include/freetype
-L. -lmap -L/usr/local/mapserver/src/gd-1.2 -lgd -L/usr/local/mapserver/src/gdft -lgdft -lttf -ltiff -ljpeg -lm

It's basically a dump of some of the compile options. You could modify the few lines above to fit your
install environment or look at the and figure out how to recreate that using DOS commands.
Then give it another shot.  Building with freetype and proj has been done on NT, binaries are available
at the university website.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "Jameson Tweedie" <jameson at> 01/30/01 12:53PM >>>
We are installing mapserver onto a winNT machine from the source code
and was successful as long as we limited the install options (no
freetype, no projection support, etc.) in the make file.  But then when
we tried to install mapscript for perl it could not find a 'perlvars'
file (it was looking in ../../ which is the mapserver root folder.  The
'perlvars' file seems not to exist at all.  Does anyone have any ideas?
thanks jameson.

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