[mapserver-users] ScaleHint

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed Jul 18 01:14:51 EDT 2001

I have started exploring the WMS capability somewhat... I was wondering
why the WMS does not provide a ScaleHint for layers which have
explicitly defined min and max scales? What will the MapServer WMS do if
a client does  GetMap on a layer using an extent which violates the
maxscale? I am thinking in terms of writing a client which knows nothing
about the WMS except there is a service there: in order to properly
request scale-restricted layers, the ScaleHint is vital. Otherwise the
client could request every contour in the province, when in fact
contours should only be requested at a close-in zoom level.
Thanks for the info,

PS - Doesn't requiring the 'map' parameter violate the WMS spec? (I
recognize the difficulty, however -- what is a service description
absent a map file? Perhaps a simple wrapper example could be bundled.)

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