[mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript on Solaris?

John Millard millarj at lib.muohio.edu
Wed May 30 17:03:53 EDT 2001


Has anyone gotten php/mapscript to work on Solaris 8 on UltraSparc?

I've been able to install the latest stable versions of Apache, PHP4,
PHP3, and they seem to work ok. (I've used the LD_INCLUDE_PATH trick)

I can even get PHP mapscript to compile and install, but when I look at
phpinfo_mapscript, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Unable to load dynamic library 'php_mapscript.so' -
ld.so.1: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/php_mapscript.so: symbol
_php3_hash_find: referenced symbol not found in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpinfo_mapscript.php3 on line 21

I've got PHP3 loaded as a DSO module in Apache and the .so is indeed
where Apache says it isn't.  

I've heard that Solaris is a problem.  Is it impossible or have I missed
something obvious?

If needed, I can send the specific configure arguments I used when

Thanks in advance for any help.  



  John Millard
  Information Services Librarian
  Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056-1878
  More Information: http://staff.lib.muohio.edu/~millarj/
  gnupg public key: http://staff.lib.muohio.edu/~millarj/gpg/

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