[Mapserver-users] symbol object

Vinko Vrsalovic vinko at cprsig.cl
Wed Dec 11 11:12:40 EST 2002

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 02:02:29PM +0100, Attila Csipa wrote:
> I saw that symbols can be defined in the .map file in mapserver 3.7 using the 
> SYMBOL keyword. Is there a counterpart for this feature in phpmapscript (say, 
> ms_newSymbolObject or alike) ?

Nope. I just made a request for it in BugZilla a couple of days ago.

What I actually did to get dynamic symbology is:

1.- Dynamically generate a symbol file for each request
2.- Dynamically generate the symbol images
3.- Make sure all images mentioned in 1 are created in 2
4.- Assign the new SymbolSet to the map object.

With a symbolObj or similar I would save myself 1 and 3, and that would
be very, very nice, performance wise at least.

Vinko Vrsalovic <el[|- at -|]vinko.cl>

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