[mapserver-users] Finding and showing a street query

Pedro A. Carrasco pcarrasco at iver.es
Thu Jun 27 06:51:21 EDT 2002

    I'm trying to draw a map with a street I find, the street table have an
unique value (STRID) and I made a filter for that layer (STRID=<value>) in

    $lyrejes->filteritem = 'STRID';

 I need to get the extent of the search and draw a map centered on the
street I find and with the street line draw. I'm mading it in PHP with
mapserver 3.6, all in Linux, ¿how can I access to the shpid (FEATURE_ID)
from php?, ¿how can I get the extent of the street filtered and draw it?

    Thanks in advance.

Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce
IVER Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Dpto. Técnico
C/Salamanca, 50
46005 Valencia
Telf: +34 96 316 34 00
Fax: +34 96 316 2716
mail : pcarrasco at iver.es
web : http://www.iver.es

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