[mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()

Azimuth, E. Perik perik at azimuth.nl
Mon Mar 4 05:55:28 EST 2002

Hi Dan,

Not able to query the points when you created shapefile and database 
file,....strange. I guess this should work though.
Maybe check your coding.

So you want to add the info dynamic to the map/image and retreive the info 
from a SQL database if i am correct.
Maybe to use your dynamicly created points for a query you could use 
something like:

1) get the point (xy, pixels)
2) translate pixel-coords to geo-coords
3) search in the database for closest point

Rectangle query:
1) get the points of the rectangle (xy, pixels)
2) translate pixel-coords to geo-coords
3) search in the database for points inside the rectangle


At 23:59 3-3-02 -0800, Dan Barron wrote:
>Thanks for the reply Erwin.  I tried your suggestion, and was able to 
>create the shapefile and dbf file, but still unable to query after turning 
>the layer on.  Apache also began crashing on me while trying this test, 
>not sure if it was my scripting or not that caused the latter.  I also 
>prefer to avoid creating this amount of disk i/o if possible, no 
>additional disk i/o would be my goal, seems it should be possible.
>At 02:14 PM 3/3/2002 +0100, E Perik wrote:
>>Hi Dan,
>>Could you not create a new-shapefile of your points and then add this
>>'name' in the Map-layer. Then add the new-shapefile to the map through a
>>I used similar to retrieve a shape-object from an existing shapefile and
>>1) Get shapeobject from existing-shapefile (through its index)
>>2) Put it in new-shapefile
>>3) Create dbf-file with name of new-shapefile
>>4) Clear new-shapefile
>>5) Add new-layer to map-object (default of this layer is set to OFF)
>>6) Show new-layer
>>7) Draw the map (now includes newly created shapefile ;-) )
>>In part 1) yours would differ. Her you create the shape-object (points)
>>from the SQL-database. Part 3) is needed, because mapscript does not
>>make a dbf-file.

Azimuth Geodetic
Koldingweg 8
9723 HK Groningen
tel. 050-5493454
fax. 050-5497217
perik at azimuth.nl

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