[mapserver-users] Query

Till Adams adams at terrestris.de
Wed Sep 11 13:07:32 EDT 2002

Dear list,

thanks to Lowell, Tyler and Puneet, who replied to my last question.
Now I got a new one:
I'm creating a world-map with ms and several layers. 
The problem is: Querying the map gives bad results. E.g. Canada is bigger than the whole of 
northamerica (due to my query, because when I query the US I get results from Canada), 
if I query any state in africa I get sometimes no results, sometimes results
from scandinavia.

My mapextent is -180 -112.5 180 112.5 and my imageextent is set to mapextent (the same in itasca demo).

When I query e.g. Canada - I get the following results

SEARCH WINDOW: -180.450000 -112.050000 179.550000 112.950000
QUERY POINT: (174, 212) image coordinates or (-0.450000, 0.450000) map coordinates
QUERY METRICS: number of layers with results=1, total number of results=1
 and so on.

I can't understand why map coordinates are -0.45 and 0.45 -- when I zoom in I get something like that:

SEARCH WINDOW: -142.650000 -16.200000 37.350000 96.300000
QUERY POINT: (187, 232) image coordinates or (-100.575000, 44.100000) map coordinates
QUERY METRICS: number of layers with results=1, total number of results=1

But the results won't get better. I think it has something to do with the imgext, imgxy, 
mapext or mapxy. I tested the data in ArcView, there the queries are OK.

any ideas? Thanks in advance!!

Till  :-) 

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Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
terrestris, Paulsen&Adams GbR
Meckenheimer Allee 166 * 53115 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 73 9647 * Fax.: 0228 73 6538
info at terrestris.de * www.terrestris.de

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