[Mapserver-users] MDK9 (gcc3): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'

richard hornsby rhornsby at io.osuedc.org
Thu Jan 2 14:56:00 EST 2003

ref gcc version 3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk)
ref mapserver 3.6.3

Checking the mailing list archives and realizing that this seems to be a
common problem with GCC 3 not understanding what 'personality_v0' is or
whatever, and seeing all the stuff about changing the makefile to point to
g++ in the problem areas, what I can't figure out is:

 - what lines (by number if possible) in the Makefile need to be changed,
so that those who are trying aren't changing the wrong lines?

 - does it actually do anything to change lines in the Makefile to point
to g++ in linux?  ie, I get the same version response whether I ask 'gcc
-v' or 'g++ -v'?

 - is it possible to install and use gcc 2.9.x concurrently with gcc 3.x,
and therefore compile mapserver with the gcc 2.9.x, all *without*
breaking the existing installation of gcc 3.x?  if so, could someone point
out where the documentation on howto do this is?

thanks for your help

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rj hornsby . systems engineer . www.osuedc.org
human and community resource development
p 614 688 8761 . f 614 688 8762

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