[Mapserver-users] TrueType Font and Label Angle

Ellenbecker, Larry LEllenbecker at co.winnebago.wi.us
Mon Jan 13 11:03:20 EST 2003


I'm trying to get true type fonts working with my application on Linux.  The
application is up a running on both Linux and NT.  True type fonts are
working just fine on NT, but on Linux I've had the following problems.  My
application is straight CGI.

System Specs:  RedHat 7.0  with freetype-1..3.1. freetype-2.1.2, gd-2.0.9
and mapserver-3.6.1.

		After compiling and installing both freetype fonts and GD,
I compiled mapsever and got the msGetLabelSize(): Could not find/open font.
Initaially my application was sitting at:

		/var/www/html/simple  with  simple.map FONSET

		When I moved my fonts directory to /var/www/html/fonts and
changed simple.map FONSET ../fonts/fonts.txt I was able to use true type
font arial in my application.  I then ran into the next issue with Label
Angle.  I couldn't get the labels to follow the appropriate line orientation
as it does on my NT version.  I researched the list and found Jonathan
Lowe's "line layer label angle changes(solved)" .  I've tried to follow
these directions but am still unable to get the labels to plot with the
correct orientation of the line.   The BUFFER, BACKGROUNDSHADOWSIZE AND
BACKGROUNDCOLOR   create a background box oriented in the appropriate
position but the text doesn't hit the background box.

		Has anyone got a sure fire method for resolving truetype
label angle problems - I'd sure appreciate any assistance.

		Larry L. Ellenbecker
		GIS Systems Analyst
		Winnebago County

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